May 2023 Composites Blog
May 15, 2023
USLG Introduces Futuristic UFO Inspired Homes Made Entirely Out Of Composites
Innovative composites firm US Lighting Group Inc. (USLG) has started selling their futuristic UFO inspired manufactured Futuro Houses. The manufactured houses are made completely out of molded fiberglass composite materials. The current Futuro House structure is being offered as a basic shell kit that individuals or distributors can customize to their liking. Given the versatility and strength of the molded fiberglass composite structure, the home is very durable, easy to transport and easy to assemble. The composite also makes the home highly resistant to mildew, mold, dust, rust, rot, and decay. The basic shell kit features 600 square feet of space, making it suitable for range of applications including off grid living, conventional living, businesses, and rental opportunities. The very first sale of this UFO inspired home has already been shipped to its owner located in Roswell, New Mexico, a location Renowned as the crash site of an alleged UFO. These innovative Futuro Houses are expected to drive record sales this year and the next. Learn more here.
May 31, 2023
MIT Develops New Machine Learning Method for Material Inspection
MIT Develops New Machine Learning Method for Material Inspection
Researchers at MIT developed a new cutting-edge machine learning method that is able to detect internal material defects present in composite structures using only data related to the material’s exterior conditions. The AI-based technology provides a cost-effective noninvasive method for material inspection, which could benefit various industries including aerospace, medical, industrial pipe, and several others. The team of researchers used deep learning to analyze large sets of data consisting of a material’s’ external force fields and its internal structure. They then used all of the gathered data to train an AI that could reliably predict the state of a material’s microstructure. The developers further note that this machine learning method isn’t limited to just materials or structures but that it could also predict the state of biological tissues. As long as the data is available the AI can be trained to look inside almost any material. Learn more here.